Monday, August 29, 2011

Why be Hikeractive?

So, I’m just gonna say it… gyms are NOT for me.  There’s something about walking into a crowded, humid, smelly gym full of dangerous looking equipment that makes me feel instantly self conscious and awkward.  Something about bedazzled work-out clothes and perfectly teased up-do’s makes my paint-splattered grubbies seem completely inappropriate... and breaking a sweat suddenly seems like an invitation to end up being featured in an embarrassing moments column in Redbook magazine.
Basically, if I am going to be exercising voluntarily, it will be taking place outdoors in the open air.  Someplace where you can breathe deeply, experience solitude, enjoy the ever-changing landscape, and never feel like you missed the dress code memo.
When we bought our house, I looked forward to the time when all the kids would be in school, and I would be able to regularly take advantage of the close proximity to the hiking trails.  It took a couple years of sidewalk restricted stroller pushing before the hiking dream could become a reality, and now I’m not sure how I functioned before.  I feel like the luckiest girl around, when after a very short drive, I step out of the car with my friends… into a large desert park adjacent to a National Forest.  We make a quick pre-hike stop at the bathroom (a necessity for those of us with small bladders who are about to drink large quantities of water), and head out on the trails.  My own little slice of conversation therapy, exercise, and accomplishment… neatly packaged and scheduled into my otherwise busy life.
Three times a week I am inspired and rejuvenated with words of wisdom, encouragement and an appreciation for the amazing desert landscape where I live.  Three times I week, I receive invaluable suggestions and advice… from recipes, to parenting tips, to great entertainment.  From product reviews, to world news, to life lessons learned.  This blog has been created as a means to track and share our insights and experiences on the trail.  I love my hikeractive life.

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